Hola amigos! Burrito, your favorite and only futbol blogging Chihuahua mix dawg here with the latest on all them haters out there attacking Burrito's compadres the
Miami Ultras and South Florida Futbol Fans in general. Why them putos got to be talking smack when they know Burrito gonna hurt them?
What it come down to is that all these carajos are just jealous cause down here in South Florida we got beautiful beaches, hot womenseseses, warm weathers, Lebron James, more hot womenseseses, Burrito the blogging dawg and all the cool things they only wish they had but never will. Most of those haters are freezing now next to fire place while Burrito chilling by pool in 70 degree weather with a bone in one paw and keyboard in other.

Burrito been reading all the hate for MLS in Miami and decide to divide blogs and media pieces in 2 categories.
Hatererers for those cabrones who hate for the sake of hating. Burrito will pee on their tires if they ever come here. And the
Not Haters who when they come to Miami, as soon as we get a team, Burrito gonna let them stay at his dawg house and let them feed him scooby snacks!
Burrito shocked by all the hate from the comments on these sites. It's as if Burrito had humped their pets or something... sheesh! Most are ignorant of facts and Burrito will address that after he eat a quesadilla.
Mmmmm, quesadilla was good. Burrito think the hate for Miami is good for the sport.
But before he continue, check what this chump write to Don Garber on twitter:

Dear Stupid Tampon fan, (That's the backwards town of Tampa for you other haters that don't know). Why don't you get off your lazy culo and do somethings to get MLS in your ugly town instead of talking smack to El Don? Burrito would like nothing more than to see Miami's team beating your sorry team in MLS and make you our bitches (As usual).
As you can see those 2 or 3 Miami fans you criticize got things going on and they are going to meet with the Don. Have fun having hancky packy with family members! That all Burrito have to say. Fin.
Now back to the haters list...
The Not HatersThe Examiner "Miami Ultras making noise with Garber meeting"
Juanito Arango is first (After
Uncle Ed on this blog) to announce the meeting with Garber.
MLS Rumors "MLS The Daily Talks About Upcoming Meeting Between Miami Ultras and MLS Commish Don Garber."
MLS Rumors is like a good Mexican telenovela (Soap opera) nothing but drama and Burrito like that! They no criticize and think adding Miami is okeydokey. They even make timeline of past articles they write! Burrito give them 5 bones on the Burrito scale of goodness!
MLS Talk 'Time for South Florida Soccer Fans to Stand Up and Meet Don Garber"
The Gaffer talk about all the pain South Florida Futbol fans have gone through in the past. This a must read for all you haters who just say Miami sucks. Go read it and learn!
The Offside "What to expect from 2011"
Ben gives preview of the year that just start and include the meeting South Florida Soccer fans going to have with Comish Garber. While everyone say Cosmos is going to happen and be 20th team in MLS; Ben's the only one that knows there is more than meets the taco... or eye. Taco de ojo!
The Shin Guardian 'Where does MLS go after lucky number 20?"
This piece talks about everything. A little long (Burrito fall asleep 3 times) but good.
HatererersSB Nation Don Garber Will Talk To Miami Ultras: This Is What He'll Say
This homeboy all over the place and think he psychic predicting what El Don will say! Jajaja... sorry, Burrito laugh in Spanish... Hahaha, so you gringos understand.
Match Fit USA "Garber throws a bone."
Que? Burrito wish he throw bone! Burrito would be all over it! This guy not so much hate but says the same things that people who don't know anything about what happen with the Fusion say, that MLS "Failed" in Miami. Ok, for the last time ignorant hatererers the owner of the team Ken Horowitz didn't have the money to keep the team afloat. That is why the team went bye, bye. Not the fans.
WVHooligan "Put up or shut up time for Miami"
This one not so much of a hater but Burrito no like the title and por favor stop teasing Burrito with bone reference! Then hero go on saying Garber meet with Ultras just so they stop emailing him. Que pendejo!
In conclusion:
Burrito want to make prediction for all you hatererers. Miami will get a team and soon!
***Burrito just hear that Marcelo Claure, Simon Fuller and David Beckham are very interested in bringing a team to Miami. This from very credible sources.
You hear it from Burrito first!
Burrito expect the signing of Ronaldo and Chad Ochocinco for 2013!

Ochocinco & Ronaldo picture taken from
Don't forget! Our time is now!
Wear your Ultras and MLS gear, don't forget your scarf!
This Saturday, January 8 at 1 PM
Don Garber / Miami Ultras Get-Together
3030 Restaurant @ Marriot Harbour Beach Hotel (3030 Holiday Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316)
Burrito very sad. Hotel no let pets in! Discrimination!
UPDATE 12:24 PMGOL TV's Phil Shoen posted a blog called "South Florida Deserves Another Shot". It has some great information for all you haters. Read it and get informed and stop this "Miami Failed" rant you pinches pendejos!