WE'RE BACK! Ultras Alive returns this Monday February 13 at 10pm for it's 35th show and the first one in 2012 with guests Gabriel Gabor Major League Soccer / Soccer United Marketing's (Twitter:
@MLSGabor )who will be promoting the
Mexico vs Colombia game this coming February 29, 2012
We will also be giving out 2 tickets to the game so stay tuned on how you can win them.
Also making a cameo will be the Ultras new partner
ESPN Deportes Miami Radio 1210 AM who will be discussing our partnership, programing and future events.
Be sure to tune into the show by going to: http://www.ultrasalive.com
Our live chat room will be opened 10 minutes before the show, you can ask questions there or you can call in with your questions by dialing (323) 927-1455
Follow us on Twitter:
or follow
Join and LIKE our new facebook page:
If you don't win the free tickets don't worry! The Ultras have a discount for the Mexico vs Colombia game. Go to
Ticketmaster and use Ultras discount code: Ultra12
Be sure to join the Ultras, South Florida's premiere soccer supporters group and come out to support the Fort Lauderdale Strikers! You can join us at Lockhart Stadium in section 117 or become an official member for only $20 which will get you an Ultras scarf, T-shirt and ID card good for discounts with the Strikers, 20% discount at both
Fritz & Franz Bierhaus locations (Miami and Fort Lauderdale), 15% discount at
Mickey Byrnes Irish Pub in Hollywood (official home of USMNT games), 15% discount at
Wecando, printing anything you need as well as other soon to be announced discounts at local businesses.
Get your membership