Robert was recently interviewed by the Honduran newspaper site Diario DIEZ in an article titled "Robert Scorca, apasionado por la Bicolor". Here is a little I translated:
Robert Scorca is a 53 year old American who has followed the Honduran national team since 2003, his love of Honduras is thanks to the Miami Fusion. “Alex Pineda Chacón, played for the Fusion he is my friend and is a humble person, he keeps in touch with me. Since then I started to identify with Honduras and I am always following what they do and when they come here. I consider myself a Honduran"
Robert says is best friend is "Samuel Caballero, too bad he was not called to the team this time. But I can't just name one player because they all say hello to me when they see me."
Carlos says: "As a Honduran we should learn, many are against the national team, this man from another country follows this team with his heart... Thanks for supporting Honduras..."
Albertini writes: "Ok, I hope you are not a spy!"
Catrachito: "Wow! How I envy him with all those cards of players, right when I was wondering how I could obtain posters of our warriors. I'd love to have a huge poster of our national team with Costly, Pavon, Suazo, Palacios, Guevara, Valladares etc. VERY WELL DONE Mr. Scorca!"
LUIS: "He is a great person I met him at many Honduras games here in Miami. he knows more about the national team then most Hondurans."
Noemi: "For those that say Robert is a spy, don't say things that are not true, you should learn from him and support our national team with your heart. Keep it up Robert!"
Note: Some Honduran fans have even started a campaign to help Robert finance his trip to watch the U.S. vs Honduras match to take place in Chicago on June 6.
Hell, buy me a beer too!