People prefer to go to dumb events and this get on Burritos nerves! Porque you ax? Because it is that time of year for WMC (Winter Music Festival.All these vatos come from all over the U.S. and the world to listen to electronic musics and don't get Burrito wrong, some of the mamacitas that come are hotter then tamales con chile! Pero it becomes like hells on the streets and Burrito no like that!
So you vatos need a reason to hate WMC? check out this "Breaking-news-update" from Local Motion Miami :
"1.- I refuse to pay 30 dollars to get into a club. To be fair, though, I've read there are about 2 free events out of 300..."
To read more reasons check out Local Motion Miami and see why WMC sucks bolitas!
Instead of hitting that pinche WMC, Miami Soccer fans need to go see Miami FC play the Montreal Impact this Sunday at 5 pm in Sunrise.
But lets continue on why Miami Soccer fans are idiotas shall we? Burritos Carnal Brian Corey write a great piece on the Ultras site called "The Top Ten Stupid Things People do in Miami Instead of Going to Miami FC Games". Burrito think Brian is genious in bottle! He write:
Reason #10 (People) "Go to Madonna Concerts. That goes for Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson and Justin Timberlake to. They’re not even actually singing on stage, you’re essentially paying $300 dollars to watch them walk back-and-forth for three hours."
Reason # 9 (People) "Go to a Dolphins game. No offense to the playoff-cursed team but the last time they won anything was 40-years ago."
To read more go to the Miami Ultras site
So Miami Soccer fans don't be so estupidos support your Miami FC and Burrito give you a quesadilla, ok?
I like the WMC and trance music and I like South Beach. I think I like Miami more than you Burrito.
Pinche Ted, Burrito hit you on head with a quesadilla next time Burrito see you!
Burrito forget to mention Miami FC game is free. WMC you have to pay putos!
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