The Kartik Report indicates Tampa's inclusion into the TOA League might be a bit premature due to legal binds with USL. Still, Tampa is a TOA member and worst case scenario might spend 2010 with USL jumping ship in 2011.
According to the Whitecaps website the TOA League is now 9 teams strong!
The addition of Tampa Bay and Baltimore brings the new league to nine teams, as they join the owners of the Atlanta Silverbacks, Carolina RailHawks, Miami FC, Minnesota Thunder, Montreal Impact, St. Louis Soccer United and Vancouver Whitecaps FC.More HERE
It goes on to report that the new league will be announced some time next week! The new league is also active in its search for a full-time commissioner and will introduce an extensive marketing campaign in the coming months.
USL News goes on

According to a search of the United States Patent and Trademark Office records, North American Soccer League, LCC in Delaware filed two trademark claims on November 16th, 2009. They claims were marked c/o Miami FC 501 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 407 Miami FLORIDA 33131More HERE
More news to come!
The Kartik Report
Inside Minnesota Soccer
MLS Rumors
Match Fit USA
Railhawks site
Major League Soccer Talk
I wonder what USL head honchos are thinking now?
Could this be the beginning of the end for USL?
All the teams in the USL will jump to the new NASL.
If people on bigsoccer don't believe something...it usually is 100% true.
Burrito hear now Ottawa may join TOA!
Pinche USL is going to hell! Burrito think not even the Virgencita de Guadalupe can help them save their league.
USL-1 will be done by 2012, kinda like the movie, their world is over!
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