If you no remember recently Landon answered Burrito's question where Burrito axed him if the devil gave him the alternative to play for Mexico national team or burn in hell for eternity which would he pick? You can see the video HERE
Now check out Landon on Jimmy Kimmel peoples!
Part #2

Talk about Miami FC... Burrito find out they will have a new website up in the next few days! Be sure to check it out amigos!
Phil Lamarre picture by Kyle Kaly
maaan, that's messed up we got that Tampon reject for a goalie...Miami better not sit Caleb to see what this bum can do. vamos miami!!
The Tampa player actually played at FIU and FAU. So he's a local guy. It's only for a month.
We gave you a guy who never was going to play for us because Daryl Sattler is a beast compared to any gk Miami has. Enjoy our sloppy seconds.
Hopefully Landon would prefer to burn in hell rather than play for the green rats.
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