Here what they write:
You see? I wasn't playing earlier when I said I would prove that LD doesn't mind stupid questions. I asked a couple of them (and a few good questions from selected MLS fans on Twitter and Facebook) the other night and no equipment was damaged. Hell, he even laughed at a few of them.Burrito axed "If the devil give you the option of playing for Mexico national team or burning in hell which you pick?
Here DonoVAn's answer:
On The Couch with Landon Donovan from mlsinsider on Vimeo.
About Burrito:Burrito is the only soccer blogging dawg in the known universe! Since 1998!
Join Burrito's group or he hit you on head with quesadilla!
Follow Burrito on http://twitter.com/Burritofutbol or join his group on Facebook
Thanks for the video, i really enjoyed all the stuff in the post, you have done a great work, thanks for sharing and i am also looking forward for more updates.
Uncle Ed.
Bring back the passion of MLS to South Florida.
Alright, i want everybody to email these writers, for the Miami FC vs. Tampon Bay game.... This rivalry is gettting heated and need it to be on paper this week, so fans can come out the following week... We have to mention how this is going to be a big game, and the beginning of a new rivalry.. I want to see more people than ever in that stadium and all South Florida fans.. We have to rep our team, this is going to be a game that any casual soccer fan will watch, its a classico!! I want everybody to email these writers and tell them how important it is for us South florida fans to rep this rivalry and match for May 1st, how they are talkin smack, and direspecting south florida.... Lets get it done we have two weeks, as a Miami fan i dont want to half ass this, we all have to email these writers...
Peiter, Julio, Ed, Antique, corey bro's, all the ultras, all the maimi fans, striker fans, legion, lets write to these guys... If only one person does it they wont do it, its has to be in the masses... lets get it done... Here are the emails of the writers for Miami Herald and I dont know for sun sentinel but i know its jeff rusnack, i would like to also post here the writer for the Palm Beach post as well... Come on guys lets get it...
Jeff Rusnak
Very funny el Burrito!
Uncle Ed pass it on.
If you would like to see the Rangers come to South Florida for a friendy game let them know you support it.
Awesome Burrito!
Wish Miami had MLS so you could ask questions to Garber!
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