MLS is ready to start its new season and will soon announce the name of the 2 new teams that will play in the league in 2011 (Probably Portland and Vancouver, whoopee for those
Burrito can't be happy for them, Burrito is mad! It should have been Miami, pero nos chingaron '
estilo perrito' once again!
Burrito hate MLS! Burrito yells it to the 4 winds!
Why? Here is why... click over highlighted thingies if you no understand Spanglish:
Uno - In 1998, Burrito, (who at time lived in Homestead, Florida) was happy to hear MLS was coming to South Florida. But Burrito think team was going to be in
Orange Bowl. Pero they instead put team up in Broward! 50 miles from where Burrito live! Ay
Chihuahua! At least we have a team!
Dos - (that mean numbers 2 for you no Espanish espeakers) Burrito take bus and train up to
Lockhart Stadium! It take sometimes 2 hours cause Burrito no have moneys to buy
car. Burrito used to sneak in to stadium, where a quesadilla with extra
queso for the
security man was good enough for admission, no problema!
Tree - Burrito do everything for Fusion, like yelling and fighting with opposing fans over which hair products
Valderrama used to use and singing with
Afusionados until Burrito lose voice but one day
Ray Hudson even get mad at Burrito for yelling at player who make wrong pass, Burrito think Ray was going to come up to stand and fight him! ( Pero, Burrito think he can take Ray, mano a mano!)
Cat - (that how you say 4 in French!
Sorry, Burrito take break to go eat
Taco de ojo! Si, Taco of eye! Okay, where was Burrito? Oh yeah!
V - In 2001 after Miami have best season ever, winning Supporters Shield for best record in MLS, MVP in
Alex Pineda Chacon and having attendance go up 50%... MLS decide to close team because stupid owner no have enough money!
That day was the worst feeling in Burrito's history! Los
Pinches Putos nos
chingaron! All Burrito have was the
Miami Fusion! If it wasn't for the Mexican League and mami back in Toluca, Mexico Burrito would have died
Then 2009 came, almost 8 years later, an eternity for a futbol fan, MLS with Barcelona 'make up this story' they wanted MLS team in Miami. This was only conspiracy by MLS to hurt Miami fans feelings, almost like going to Taco Bell and some puto tell you "is on me ese, no worries, order what you want" and then you say que rico! Gimme #4 (the pinche Stuffed Grilled Burrito con steak!) and then when it's time to get it the homeboy (MLS) say "Sorry you no gonna get it!".
What the F@c% MLS!
Will Miami ever have an MLS team? Burrito don't know. But if one day Burrito win Lottery Burrito use all money for team!
So it's like Burritos Mami say: "
Orale Burrito, en estos dias dificiles de crisis economica tienes que pensar que todo va a estar bien, aver, come mijito, come tu taquito con carnitas y no te olvides de ponerle chile!" Translation: "Everything gonna be alright"
Now Burrito leave you with video that make him feel better, you watch or Burrito hit you on head with