Porque? Why? Burrito's first thought was they lazy. Doesn't the tournament start in June? Then someone tweet that the last 2 USOC formats were announced on 5/5/10 & 4/30/09... Sounds like there is plenty of time to Burrito for teams to be included.
Then Burrito go to IMS and see some vato mention idea that maybe NASL wants to skip the tournament this year to save the costs. So Burrito contact his homeboy at Traffic here in Miami and they told Burrito that the NASL is happy they will be playing Division 2 soccer this year. They say the decision for NASL teams to not play the USOC was a USSF decision not that of the NASL... WTF?

Check this out: USL still claims they are division 2 without meeting the standards...
USL PRO is the strongest, best operated and most sophisticated North American men’s professional soccer league below MLS, both on and off the field. Focused on franchise stability and longevity...We all know about the longevity of teams in USL throughout the years. That being said, and Burrito hate to be repetitive, pero after years and years of allowing USL to run division 2 at their whim, now, the USSF decides they will impose tough standards. (That in the end have been met). Notice there are no standards for Division 3 teams. Hmmmm...
What was also of concern to Burrito was the fact that when MLS Commissioner Garber was in South Florida to meet with Burrito's compadres los Miami Ultras he stated that for him USL and NASL were both 2nd Division... WTF? No Senor Garber, NASL is Div 2 and USL is underneath them.

About Burrito:
Burrito is the only soccer blogging dawg in the known universe! Since 1998! Join Burrito's twitter or he hit you on head with quesadilla! Burrito Supports the Strikers and wants MLS back in South Florida. You can follow Burrito on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Burritofutbol BTW, pictures are all stolen. If you own them and want them taken down contact Burrito. But Burrito is a dog, so good luck.
NASL SUCKS! You guys will find out that it will bring you down.
Ignore that hater. Support your local team.
Let's go strikers!
Dear hater,
It sounds to me like USSF may be the culprit, not NASL.
At the very least NASL has a year r so to solidify the league & make it work. Here's hoping they succeed.
Not a hater just realistic. Traffic Sports will never bring MLS to South Florida. Open your eyes! If that’s all you want then I feel sorry for you. Aaron Davidson tells you lies.
Stupidest article ever. On one hand you beg for MLS to come back to Miami, and then you write this horrible crap accusing thewm of nefarious deed. If MLS wanted NASL to fail, there wouldn't be a NASL. They don't care about some mickey mouse league that will fail on its own. NALS sucks.
Good for you amigo. Stick your lot in with NASL and Traffic. They haven't even done any advertising for the Strikers. No one will come to the games again. Traffic is a huge joke.
I'll keep waiting for a rich owner to bring a MLS team to Miami. Cause that's our only hope.
Not every homeboy have to think or like what you like Mister Hater. Not all Burrito's blog posts will be liked by everyone so its ok if you know like it.
Burrito wants MLS but also support local teams whoever they be.(Even the Hot mamacitas of WPS).
This is not a newspaper, no one pay Burrito to write or even give him a bone, this is Burrito's blog and If you no like Burrito's blog then don't come back. Why don't you write your own blog where you can talk only about MLS and how you hate Traffic and all other soccer in South Florida. Why don't you call Blog "MLS only for Miami and everybody else is Stupid" Here Burrito is King and write what Burrito want. You lucky Burrito give you chance to even comment. Burrito could be like Ralph's Mob and not let anyone comment. Finally if you no like then why you come back?
You're a retard, Burrito.
Insulting Burrito???!!!
Now you've gone too far! LOL
Love Burrito but not Traffic Sports/ Aaron Davidson. they are very bad.
The Southern Platoon is a one note opera singing the same boring refrain.
Why is Traffic evil? What convinces you of that? Why is Aaron Davidson an evil liar? Support that statement, in fact both of them, with something more than you opinion. What information do you have that forms that opinion?
As ever, we await your informed reply, not you ill formed babbling.
NASL and Aaron Davidson SUCKS!
nice article again Burrito and I totally agree with the first guy or girl who commented on this post, NASL totally sucks!
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