What it come down to is that all these carajos are just jealous cause down here in South Florida we got beautiful beaches, hot womenseseses, warm weathers, Lebron James, more hot womenseseses, Burrito the blogging dawg and all the cool things they only wish they had but never will. Most of those haters are freezing now next to fire place while Burrito chilling by pool in 70 degree weather with a bone in one paw and keyboard in other.

Burrito shocked by all the hate from the comments on these sites. It's as if Burrito had humped their pets or something... sheesh! Most are ignorant of facts and Burrito will address that after he eat a quesadilla.
Mmmmm, quesadilla was good. Burrito think the hate for Miami is good for the sport.
But before he continue, check what this chump write to Don Garber on twitter:

As you can see those 2 or 3 Miami fans you criticize got things going on and they are going to meet with the Don. Have fun having hancky packy with family members! That all Burrito have to say. Fin.
Now back to the haters list...

The Examiner "Miami Ultras making noise with Garber meeting"
Juanito Arango is first (After Uncle Ed on this blog) to announce the meeting with Garber.
MLS Rumors "MLS The Daily Talks About Upcoming Meeting Between Miami Ultras and MLS Commish Don Garber."
MLS Rumors is like a good Mexican telenovela (Soap opera) nothing but drama and Burrito like that! They no criticize and think adding Miami is okeydokey. They even make timeline of past articles they write! Burrito give them 5 bones on the Burrito scale of goodness!
MLS Talk 'Time for South Florida Soccer Fans to Stand Up and Meet Don Garber"
The Gaffer talk about all the pain South Florida Futbol fans have gone through in the past. This a must read for all you haters who just say Miami sucks. Go read it and learn!
The Offside "What to expect from 2011"
Ben gives preview of the year that just start and include the meeting South Florida Soccer fans going to have with Comish Garber. While everyone say Cosmos is going to happen and be 20th team in MLS; Ben's the only one that knows there is more than meets the taco... or eye. Taco de ojo!
The Shin Guardian 'Where does MLS go after lucky number 20?"
This piece talks about everything. A little long (Burrito fall asleep 3 times) but good.

SB Nation Don Garber Will Talk To Miami Ultras: This Is What He'll Say
This homeboy all over the place and think he psychic predicting what El Don will say! Jajaja... sorry, Burrito laugh in Spanish... Hahaha, so you gringos understand.
Match Fit USA "Garber throws a bone."
Que? Burrito wish he throw bone! Burrito would be all over it! This guy not so much hate but says the same things that people who don't know anything about what happen with the Fusion say, that MLS "Failed" in Miami. Ok, for the last time ignorant hatererers the owner of the team Ken Horowitz didn't have the money to keep the team afloat. That is why the team went bye, bye. Not the fans.
WVHooligan "Put up or shut up time for Miami"
This one not so much of a hater but Burrito no like the title and por favor stop teasing Burrito with bone reference! Then hero go on saying Garber meet with Ultras just so they stop emailing him. Que pendejo!
In conclusion:
Burrito want to make prediction for all you hatererers. Miami will get a team and soon!
***Burrito just hear that Marcelo Claure, Simon Fuller and David Beckham are very interested in bringing a team to Miami. This from very credible sources.
You hear it from Burrito first!
Burrito expect the signing of Ronaldo and Chad Ochocinco for 2013!

Don't forget! Our time is now!
Wear your Ultras and MLS gear, don't forget your scarf!
This Saturday, January 8 at 1 PM
Don Garber / Miami Ultras Get-Together
3030 Restaurant @ Marriot Harbour Beach Hotel (3030 Holiday Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316)
Burrito very sad. Hotel no let pets in! Discrimination!
GOL TV's Phil Shoen posted a blog called "South Florida Deserves Another Shot". It has some great information for all you haters. Read it and get informed and stop this "Miami Failed" rant you pinches pendejos!
MLS Miami Yessssssssssssss.
hoping for the best! let's go Miami!
Miami MLS ( Miami Fusion ) Bring it.
I'm ready! Let's get this thing started.
I think you're right Burrito...these people are jealous that Miami has better weather,the ocean and beaches, better pizza and Lebron James. They are also jealous because Miami Fusion beat everyone in 2001 and they had to cheat to knock them out of the playoffs. EFF these Vatos.
Okay I understand there are haters. But in all honesty, how can Miami support an MLS team? You need a solid fan base, enough support for a stadium, investors, and preferably an urban stadium location. Miami FC average attendance was 1,200.
Well Cosmo...Miami had the highest TV ratings for the world cup of any market in the U.S and friendly matches in Miami often get over 50,000 people. Soccer is more popular in Miami than almost everywhere else in the Nation. The problem is getting them to like MLS. I think a Miami team with some international stars could easily average 15,000. You can't draw any conclusion from division 2 soccer attendance. Miami Fusion averaged over 11,000 in their final season which is more than a few MLS teams average now.
Dude don't compare support for international teams and local soccer? look at Miami's average attendance 1,200 are you kidding me?
To the barely educated person who wrote this post: thanks for plugging my twitter feed!
To Ted: Since when do World Cup TV ratings directly translate to the viability of MLS in a particular market? Who said these viewers actually watch soccer outside of the World Cup, or would even support an MLS team? Also, in order to have "a Miami team with some international stars" you need an owner who's willing to spend the money in your market, regardless of how much you beg for a team. And if you international stars, shouldn't your goal be a higher average than 15,000? Also, that last season where you averaged all those fans (11,117), did you ever consider it's because you had the best team in the league. All markets would have great average attendance if they won the supporters shield every year. The two previous years' attendance numbers for the fusion were 8,689 and 7,460, which is abysmal. In fact, the overall attendance across the history of the Fusion was 9,403, which is pretty terrible as well (at least the Mutiny had an average of 11,106 over their existence, and they didn't even have a team owner). It's cute that Garber threw you a bone and listened to you talk while he was convienently down there to watch the combine, but if you want to get an MLS franchise, support your D2 team first and prove you can at least make that franchise successful.
gtozier, um did I say that world cup ratings translated into MLS fans? I was merely using that fact in a broader sense of pointing out that the sport of soccer is very popular in South Florida, more popular than anywhere else in the United States most likely...which is why so many International Matches are played there. If you think that is completely irrelevant to MLS then you are being willfully ignorant. If there are people filling up the Orange Bowl or Sun Life stadium, then there are a large number of potential customers in the market - obviously.
I never said that the Fusion attendance was great (and that was a decade ago by the way) - I said it would not be worst in MLS today in which San Jose and Kansas City don't even sell out all their small stadium games. If you don't think 15,000 is enough then you must think Red Bull New York is a failure considering they needed a new stadium, thierry henry and rafa marquez just to get a little over 16,000 in the biggest media market with a massive population base.
Regardless, the point is that the conditions are ripe for MLS to be successful in MLS....which is why most people in the soccer media have been quoted on this blog saying MLS can work in Miami.
By the way to those complaining about Miami FC's attendance...there has never been a correlation between 2nd division and MLS. Seattle Sounders averaged less than 4,000 per game in the A-League but averaged over 32,000 in their first year in MLS. Not sure why anyone brings up the attendance of Miami FC when time and time again it has been shown to be completely irrelevant to MLS.
time and time again? Way too small a sample size of D2 teams moving to MLS for us to really use that info as any kind of indicator. Besides which, each market has its individual quirks and factors that play a role.
However, 4k is a FAR cry from 1200 so stop using Seattle as a comparison. Montreal, Vancouver and Portland all blow your little theory a bit more out of the water as well. Really only Toronto is the exception with abysmal support for their D2/D3 teams and great support for an MLS team.
Miami trailed Tampa in MLS attendance overall as well, and Tampa did as well as they did despite no owner, a shitty stadium deal and next to zero support by the league.
Tampa supported their original NASL team better, their MLS team better, we support our new D2 team better and we support the U.S. National Team better. It isn't hearsay, it is fact.
When it comes to supporting the U.S. brand of soccer, Miami is second rate compared to a host of other cities vying for MLS. so sorry.
and lol when was the last time a soccer game drew over 50k in Miami? Honest question I guess, not doubting it, but doubting it had anything to do with the American brand of soccer.
HaHaHA just listened to garber talk basically he came down to motivate the Ultras because the support sucks in Miami
Burrito is a chihuahua dog btw and he made you look like a fool
The Ultras are retards that don't get it, they need Garber as a motivation speaker. 60 show up at a meeting but yet 12-15 show up for games. LAME. dream another dream. this dream is over.
I don't understand why my fellow Miami soccer fans can't just go to games if so many of them want an MLS team.
If you truly love soccer, you'd stop worrying about e-mailing the MLS Commissioner all day and get seats filled up at our stadium. What's more impressive? The same 20 people sending an e-mail over and over or those 20 people going out and getting people who like soccer to come to games and making the atmosphere at games more than 10 people chanting and banging on drums.
Instead, people like Ted over here are more concerned about talking to Burrito and bragging about how his pizza from Miami is better than pizza anywhere else. You're an embarrassment to this team. Stick to watching World Cup soccer and pretending that it makes you a hardcore soccer fan. Leave the real support to people like me.
1. Concerned Ultra Fan is not from South Florida
2. When I lived in Miami I did go to almost every Fusion game and brought others.
3. So the sample size is too small when comparing Seattle's attendance to their A-league attendance....but yet it's ok to talk about Miami FC's ULS attendance? Wow. There is no correlation between division 2 attendance and MLS attendance, period. Never had been and never will be. MLS ALWAYS will have much bigger crowds even if the USL team struggled at the gate.
4. Miami has better pizza than most other places and that is just a fact. Until you have tried Steve's pizza on Biscayne and NE 125th street you have not lived.
5. I do agree that more of the Miami people should have gone to Fusion games. I would go play in the parks and the other guys there would wear jerseys of South American and Euro clubs and they would rip on the Fusion. Some of them thought they were better than the Fusion. There was a local team called Uraguay SC and they talked trash how they could beat MLS teams...they did end up playing the Fusion and the Fusion beat them 4-0 despite playing mostly subs. I also used to go to the Tudor Inn which was a Scottish pub in Ft Lauderdale and the Scots in the place would call MLS "second class football". So I agree those people have to be on board this time around.
6. If an owner steps up and wants to put a team in Miami and they have some international stars then I would think Miami would easily average 15,000 to 20,000. Unfortunately in Miami people only show up to see winners but they do show up when the team is a winner. That is why Lebron has sold out every game for the rest of the season at American Airlines Arena.
7. Detroit and Miami should be the next and last two MLS teams in the league and then we will all be happy. yay.
8. I bang supermodels
Sadly Tampa fans don't get it. South Florida keeps getting media attention be it good or bad, it only helps us build momentum. What are you doing? Nothing.
You will see that our numbers will begin to grow because of what we are doing. I'm already getting emails from people wanting to join our group. You say we have a failed dream? Quite the contrary
This is only the beginning. South Florida fans are proactive, and we will continue to build. If we don't get team #20 we will get #21. It will be the Strikers or another team. Just sit there and eat our dust.
If by doing nothing you mean we are concentrating on supporting the Pro team that we have instead of crying to Don Garber over MLS, sure. We're all sitting on our butts up here in Tampa land. We just must not be "getting it".
OH WAIT A MINUTE! Garber just told you all to do exactly what WE have ALREADY been doing and tried to tell you guys to focus on doing for a year now.
Now tell me again, who doesn't get it?
I sincerely hope this fiasco helps with your attendance and support down there. Honestly it is much more fun knowing we have road trips to games with good atmosphere and lots of fans. The NASL needs Miami to pick up it's game, so get to work you lolUltras.
...And then Ralphs Mom writes a letter to Garber asking for a visit?
LOL bunch of hypocrites!
interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
Tires Miami
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