I think I speak for all Soccer fans in MLS expansion cities when I express my anger concerning Major League Soccer's continued delays to finally give us the names of the final 2 cities that will enter the league in 2011.
According to The Weekly Sport League and Franchise Report: 'The announcement for the next two MLS expansion teams might not be made until late March or April!' What are they waiting for...? April Fools day? The report goes on to say that 'Vancouver and Miami appear to be the frontrunner's with Ottawa, Portland and St. Louis having issues with financing or stadium deals.' I wonder where they get their info from?
I'm sure the bigwigs of MLS have already made their decision, they just want the rest of us to suffer and keep reading the Beckham drama, because if you really think about it, even though Beckham is dissing MLS and the Galaxy for A.C.Milan, it still gets them in the news. It's all over, even CNN is reporting it folks!
If you think about it;MLS is strong with or without Beckham, having secured another 3 year deal with Panasonic and having what was once 7 cities fight over 2 expansion slots. It says something when investment groups are willing to pay $40M to get into a League many foreigners call second rate. Yeah, MLS is strong and here to stay!
I say we all write to Commissioner Garber at don.garber@mlsnet.com and ask him to stop all the shenanigans and give us an answer! Who will the teams be? Don't make us wait until April!
Miami Fans: don't forget to join and meet the Miami Ultras on Wednesday Feb 11 at Moriano Restaurant and watch the USA vs. Mexico match! Moriano is located just north of downtown Miami at 3221 NE 2nd Avenue.
Go USA! Go Barcelona Miami!
Vamos MLS we want to hear the announcement.
Announcement coming in two weeks.
Miami is as good as in from everything I've heard.
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